Faith in Action May 2017

We had the opportunity to once again be featured on Catholic Radio Indy’s program “Faith in Action.” Tom and I were interviewed by MJ for 15 minutes.

It is a strange experience to hear yourself speak on a radio or any sort of recording. “Is that really my voice?” is what Tom kept asking me.

The interview went well. MJ is a very conversational host, so it allows for a nice flow to her program.

That’s when we realized we missed an opportunity. Lesson learned.

We had so much to share about the growing Radio2Celebrate Marriage ministry. We were so excited that we completely forgot to mention anything about our upcoming event, Celebrate Covenant. One of the driving reasons for our interview was to mention something about the event we have planned for this Saturday. An entire 15 minutes went by when we realized we had missed the opportunity to invite the listeners to hear Keith and Kathy Syberg speak on Christ in marriage.

We are still very new to figuring out the best ways to not only spread the word about the importance of having events to enrich marriages, but also to promote our ongoing events.

If you would like to listen to the program which aired this past week, you can listen here: Listen to Podcast Now

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